Establishment by the promoter method means the establishment of a company by the subscription by the promoters for all the shares to be issued by the company. 发起设立,是指由发起人认购公司应发行的全部股份而设立公司。
Restrictions in both the primary and secondary markets are designed to protect vulnerable minors. The minimum subscription will be HK$ 1m and the stock will trade in lots of 200,000 shares. 最小认购金额为100万港元,而且股票交易单位将是每手20万股。这些对一级和二级市场的限制措施旨在保护脆弱的未成年人(即中小投资者:译者注)。
China Mobile said yesterday that it was holding preliminary discussions with Pudong Development in relation to the potential subscription of new shares and potential strategic co-operation. 中国移动昨日表示,正就可能认购上海浦发新股及与其展开战略合作事宜展开初步协商。
A stock subscription is an agreement to buy a specific number nd kind of shares when they are issued by the corporation. 认购股票书是在公司发行股票时购买具体数额和种类的股票的协议。
The right to subscription of new shares as provided for in the preceding three paragraphs, except those reserved for subscription by employees, may be separated from the rights in original shares and transferable independently. 前三项新股认购权利,除保留由员工承购者外,得与原有股份分离而独立转让。
Establishment by the offer method means establishment of a company by the subscription by the promoters of part of the shares to be issued by a company and a public offer of the remaining part of the shares. 募集设立,是指由发起人认购公司应发行股份的一部分,其余部分向社会公开募集而设立公司。
The methods of offering, trading, subscription and redemption of the fund shares of other funds operated through other methods shall be separately formulated by the State Council. 采用其他运作方式的基金的基金份额发售、交易、申购、赎回的办法,由国务院另行规定。
Financial group is the body of the securities market, underwriters through affiliated mutual funds of financial group to participate in the subscription of new shares will affect the IPO market, specific performance is market investors 'subscribe enthusiasm for new shares and IPO underpricing rate. 金融集团是证券市场的主体,承销商通过金融集团的投资基金参与新股的认购会对IPO市场产生影响,具体表现为市场投资者对新股的认购热情和IPO的抑价率。
The new 《 Securities Law 》 specific provision, IPO underwriters is prohibited to participate in the subscription of new shares, so underwriters only through this kind of indirect purchasing behavior to achieve the purpose that it offerings new shares. 新的《证券法》明确规定,IPO承销商禁止参与认购新股,因此承销商只有通过这种间接的购买行为达到其持有新股的目的。